Why Dental Check-Ups Matter

Visiting the dentist with any regularity is never going to be our favorite appointment to attend, but it remains one of the most important things that we can do to protect our long-term oral and general health. As such, scheduling and attending these appointments should be a priority for everyone, irrespective of their age. Unfortunately, many people still fail to find time in their busy schedule to visit their dentist or they deem check-ups an unnecessary expense. This is a mistake that could be putting their smile and the health of their mouth and body at risk. Here’s what you need to know about why dental check-ups matter.

The importance of dental check-ups


There are a number of reasons why you should be making dental check-ups a priority for you and your family.


By far the main reason is that regular dental check-ups provide your dentist with an opportunity to monitor the health and condition of your teeth and mouth. Many dental issues develop slowly, and when you are seen fairly often by your dentist, they are more likely to be picked up on quickly before they have a chance to cause any major problems for your teeth or your oral health. This includes decay and, fundamentally, gum disease.


Preventing gum disease should be a huge priority for everyone. This inflammatory condition may seem innocuous, but if it is left to develop, it can lead to a range of debilitating symptoms and serious consequences for the health of your teeth and body. Gum disease occurs when plaque that forms on unclean teeth spreads on to the gums, causing inflammation and infection. In the earliest stages, it can be reversed, but when it progresses it becomes known as periodontitis and can cause symptoms including abscesses, tooth loss and even loss of bone in the jaw. Studies have also found a link between periodontitis and the development of chronic general health problems such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and more. This means that if you develop gum disease, you could be putting yourself at risk of many other health issues too.


As with most things, prevention is better than cure, and when you attend regular dental check-ups, your dentist has the best opportunity to spot developing problems early and arrange prompt treatment. This can:

-        Prevent serious damage to the function of your teeth

-        Preserve the appearance of your teeth

-        Prevent the need for extensive dental treatment

-        Save you money on dental care

-        Prolong your oral health and help you retain your teeth for longer

How often should I have a dental check-up?

Every patient is unique and so the exact frequency with which you should have dental check-ups will almost certainly vary between patients and could even change for you depending on the condition of your teeth. In patients with a fairly healthy mouth and no obvious dental concerns, check-ups are usually recommended twice per year. However, if you are undergoing dental treatment or there is a potential problem developing, the period of time between appointments will almost certainly be shorter. It is important that you adhere to the timeline given to you by your dentist as they will be able to make an accurate recommendation that has your best interests in mind.


If you would like to know more about the importance of dental check-ups or to schedule an appointment, please contact our office today where our team would be delighted to help you.