When Is Periodontal Surgery Needed?

A buildup of bacteria in the mouth causes tartar that irritates the gums and causes bleeding. The mild form of gum disease is known as gingivitis. As the symptoms worsen, it leads to periodontal disease. Doctors can treat periodontal disease in different ways, depending on the severity of the condition. 


Some situations call for periodontal surgery. The surgery can treat gum diseases and damage resulting from the gum disease. It is vital to find out when periodontal surgery is needed.


What Periodontal Surgery Does


Periodontitis is a severe form of gum disease characterized by damage to bone and tissue. Periodontal surgery helps regrow the damaged tissues and bones, and it helps prevent tooth loss. The surgery can also reduce the gum gaps that form between the teeth. 


It can reshape the jawbone, reducing the risk of developing bacterial growth in the bone crevices. Periodontal surgery can help eliminate infection and bacteria. The procedure aims to treat not just the gum disease but also the damage caused by the disease. 


Treatment for Gum Disease 

When gum disease moves from gingivitis to periodontitis, the condition is serious. Periodontitis occurs when there is a breakdown in the healthy bond between the teeth and the gums. Periodontitis does not go away on its own, even with rigorous oral hygiene. 


Dental treatment is essential to treat the condition. The dental professional may deep clean the gums in a procedure called deep scaling. This removes the tartar and bacteria from the teeth and gums. Root planing smooths out the root surfaces.


Types of Gum Surgery


There are several types of gum surgeries available. The severity of the gum disease will determine the type of surgery that the surgeon performs. Before the surgery, the dental surgeon will have performed deep scaling and root planing. The surgical procedures used are flap surgery, bone grafting, guided tissue regeneration, and tissue grafting. 


When Periodontal Surgery Is Needed

Some people are good candidates for periodontal surgery, including those who have advanced or severe gum disease. When the disease affects the gums and the supporting tissues, the patient may require gum surgery. 


People who are good candidates for gum surgery have red, swollen, or bleeding gums. Patients with receding gums and deep pockets forming between the gums and teeth may require surgery. If you have loose teeth, bad breath, and experience pain when chewing, you may be a good candidate for the surgery. 


Regular Dental Checkup


The best way to avoid developing periodontitis is by getting regular dental checkups. During the checkup, the dentist will look for cavities and clean the teeth. Looking for signs of gum disease is necessary. 


When caught early, it is possible to treat the gingivitis before it deteriorates into periodontitis. A good oral hygiene regimen will help prevent gum disease. Brushing twice daily and flossing once a day will help keep the teeth and gums healthy. 


To find out more about periodontal surgery, contact Above & Beyond Dental at our office in Bedford, Texas. You can call (817) 571-1667 today to schedule an appointment.