Porcelain Veneers vs. Composite Veneers

Veneers are one of the most popular ways to makeover your smile. This highly successful cosmetic dentistry treatment can be used to correct a multitude of different issues with the appearance of your teeth, ranging from stains and discoloration to gaps between the teeth, undersized teeth or those which have superficial damage to the enamel. Many people think that veneers are just one solution. However, when you opt for veneers to improve and enhance the appearance of your teeth, you also need to decide which type you would like – porcelain or composite. Read on to discover the differences between the two to help make your decision as to which is right for you. 



Porcelain veneers are custom-designed thin shells of porcelain that are secured to the outer face of the teeth. Meanwhile, composite veneers are made from special resin that is pasted on to your teeth then manipulated to cover them in such a way that it enhances the appearance of your smile. It is then hardened to secure the resin permanently to your teeth. 



The appearance of porcelain veneers and composite veneers varies a little. Porcelain is primarily translucent and catches the light in a manner that is similar to the way that a natural tooth does. Composite resin is created in a color that is designed to match natural teeth, but it doesn’t quite have the same translucency as our real teeth do. 


Stain Resistance

Porcelain is also highly resistant to staining, helping you to retain your new and improved smile for longer. Unfortunately, composite doesn’t have quite the same degree of natural resistance to discoloration. 



If you decide that you would ever like to reverse your smile transformation, with composite veneers you can just have the composite removed. However, since porcelain veneers require a little of the natural tooth enamel to be removed, those teeth will always need veneers to cover them. 


Treatment Time

If you want a speedy transformation, then composite veneers are the option to go for since these can be completed in just one visit to your cosmetic dentist. On the other hand, porcelain veneers typically require two visits as a minimum. This is because teeth will need to be prepared and molds are taken to create the veneers before you have to return around a week later to have them fitted.  


Durability and Maintenance

Composite veneers will unfortunately not last as long as porcelain versions. If you choose composite, you can expect them to last between four and eight years before replacements are needed, and you may need maintenance before then. Luckily, they can be repaired quite easily. Porcelain veneers can last for up to fifteen years provided they receive the proper care and attention. However, they aren’t as easy to repair if they become damaged. 



Porcelain veneers are initially more expensive than composite varieties due to the extent of the work that is involved in creating and placing them. However, their greater longevity than composite alternatives tends to mean that they represent a worthwhile investment in your long-term smile. 


For more information about either of these cosmetic solutions or to schedule a consultation to discuss which is right for you, please contact our team.