How Does NTI-TSS Work?

Do you have bruxism — a medical condition in which you clench, gnash, or grind your teeth? If so, you may benefit from a little acrylic device known as Nociceptive Trigeminal Inhibition Tension Suppression System (NTI-TSS). Nociceptors refer to the nerves that sense and react when the body is harmed. They signal the brain of any impending irritation or injury. On the other hand, trigeminal is the nerve that has three sensory divisions within our face and neck.


The NTI-TSS is an anterior bite stop designed to relax the muscles involved when you clench, gnash, or grind your teeth. You wear them over your two front teeth at night. This prevents contact between your canines and molars. The mechanism is known to prevent bruxism, migraines, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction.


It Takes Advantage of the Jaw-Opening Reflex


This small plastic device uses the protective reflex that suppresses your temporal muscles from contracting with their fullest intensity. Imagine eating carrots. You can nibble on the skinny ones using your lower front teeth. But it would hurt to use them when you have to break off a big fat piece. So, you let it go between your back teeth instead.


Your lower front teeth are meant to alert you that what you’re about to bite or chew on may be too hard for you. Whenever these front teeth are placed under moderate to severe pressure, they warn your temporal muscles to relax before pain or damage can occur. This is known as the jaw-opening reflex. It prevents you from biting or chewing on something too hard that may cause damage to your back molars. On the other hand, the back molars do the opposite. Whenever a piece of bone, frozen chocolate bar, or anything comes in contact with them, they signal the jaw-closing muscles to bite down hard.


The NTI-TSS appliance only allows contact on one or two of your front teeth. They take advantage of your jaw-opening reflex by never allowing any of the back or canine teeth to touch. Studies show that the contact of either the canine or posterior teeth results in a notable increase in temporal muscle contraction. So, when your mouth is being closed, the lower front teeth will touch the NTI-TSS device. This suppresses the temporal muscle’s ability to contract. Of course, you can’t wear the device when you’re actually eating or chewing on something.


How Can You Benefit From NTI-TSS?


Bruxism, migraines, or TMJ dysfunction are generally caused by jaw muscle or nerve malfunction. The NTI-TSS device will interrupt the involuntary tug-of-war between your jaw and its temporal muscles. This reduces the clenching or grinding intensity by about one-third. Besides, the device prompts your muscles to relax in a stable position. This way, you and your uncontrollable malfunctioning muscles can rest. Usually, this eliminates migraines associated with bruxism and several types of pain from TMJ dysfunction. Some patients report immediate relief after just a night of wearing the NTI-TSS device. Others said to have found comfort after several days or a few weeks.


Are you wondering whether NTI-TSS could be an excellent option for you? Visit Above & Beyond Dental today in Bedford, Texas. Call us now at (817) 571-1667 to make an appointment.